Airbnb Split Payment

For this personal project, I partnered with one designer over three months to integrate split payment function into existing Airbnb iOS app, per user research and business intent.

The problem

Airbnb users have no accomodations for split payment. Current Airbnb customers defer to third-party apps and other means to settle group balances. Based on this, the intent of the brief was to integrate a group payment feature into the Airbnb mobile app in order to ease the payment experience and potentially garner more group bookings.

Competitive research and analysis

After looking at the possibilities, the existing experience, the business intent and project timing, I opted for an minimally additive approach so as not to disrupt an otherwise successful checkout experience. Split payment was added in as simple a way as possible, with details for additional payee added in only a few steps.

Proposed solution

1. Deliverable: Interactive prototype. Features: Split payment option with the ability to add additional payees, customizable amounts per payee, "request for payment" messaging, and individualized check out experience for each payee.

2. UI styles for type, grid, and color

3. Developer handoff specs

4. Usability testing results

User research insights and next steps

  • 75% success rate, a 47.1% misclick rate

  • Majority of users completed walkthrough in 1 minute 15 seconds

  • Simplify main user's experience by asking for their payment details before submitting reservation

  • Require all parties to submit payment details before payment is processed; cancellation of reservation if not met before a specified time

Based in San Francisco

Based in San Francisco

Based in San Francisco

Based in San Francisco

Based in San Francisco

Based in San Francisco